Golden Girl

Hi! My name is Monika. I am a professional athlete in my twenties while also working for international corporate and teaching languages. I would like to share practical tips that can help you survive and thrive in a fast paced environment.

Must have supplements for living in a cold country

Why is it important to take health supplements? Our ancestors haven’t even heard about all these vitamins, minerals and bacteria so why should we take them now? Isn’t this just a marketing strategy of big companies to get more money off of people?

Shortly and simply – no, for the most part it really isn’t.

It is true that our ancestors didn’t have to take health supplements because their food was naturally rich in these substances. They ate products from small local farms that were processed directly in their homes. Nowadays we buy our groceries mostly in big supermarkets, already processed, imported from large farms or fields abroad that were built to make as much product as possible to satisfy global demand, sadly at the expense of quality. That’s why we need to replenish our bodies with vitamins in other ways than just food.

Here are my favourite supplements that can help you stay healthy, especially living in a rather cold country, where you don’t get fresh veggies and fruits all year long.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is something your body can’t produce on its own so you need to get it from your diet. It is found mostly in fruits and vegetables, which gets problematic if you live in a cold country where the supply of fresh veggies and fruits is limited for the most of the year. If you’re not eating enough greens and fruits make sure to take vitamin C so that your body can properly form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle and collagen.



Magnesium naturally comes in greens, nuts, seeds and wholegrains. It’s not very problematic to get from a balanced diet but it gets easily depleted by higher levels of stress and intense exercise, which is why you should take magnesium every day if you work out regularly or have a stressful job. Magnesium deficiency can cause headaches, nausea, fatigue or muscle cramps so if you are experiencing any of these try to increase your magnesium intake.



Probiotics are “good” or “friendly” bacteria that help to restore your gut and maintain a healthy balance of bacteria. You can take them every once in a while as a precaution to make sure your digestive system works well. They are also a great help with restoring your digestive system after taking more aggressive forms of medication like antibiotics or corticoids or even after a holiday in a different country eating local food your body is not adjusted to.



Chlorella is a freshwater algae rich in chlorophyll that has a ton of benefits like supporting immune system, improving fat metabolism and helping blood pressure management. It has the ability to bind heavy metals and other harmful compounds that are found in our environment, helping our body to get rid of these and detoxify. It can be very helpful if you live in a busy polluted environment like large cities or maybe work in a factory where you come in contact with chemicals or other harmful compounds.